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Plants and eco-friendly actions at work are good for us and the planet

ES «Impacto de las plantas en el lugar de trabajo y la importancia de que las organizaciones fomenten actividades respetuosas con el medio ambiente»  EN «Impact of plants in the workplace and how important it is for organizations to encourage more eco-friendly involvements» Las plantas elevan el bienestar y la productividad en el trabajo ¿Y si hubiera una manera rápida…

Design Thinking for a Creative and Collaborative Working Environment at HTAi

Case Study: Design Thinking and Ad-hoc visual tools at Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) Global Policy Forum Main Meeting In January, we had the opportunity to organize a co-creation workshop with Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) for their Global Policy Forum in Barcelona. HTAi is a renowned, international non-profit society comprised of professors, scientists, and stakeholders. These members assess health…