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Co-Creating More Inclusive Customer Experiences at Hotels

Case Study: Design Thinking and Academic Collaboration with HTSI to Enhance Customer Experiences The Project In February and March, we united with the HTSI School of Tourism Management, professor Daniela Freund, and her colleagues to work on a project for the AC Victoria Suites Barcelona Hotel by Marriott. Our main focus was on giving HTSI students the necessary skills to create professional,…

Design Thinking for a Creative and Collaborative Working Environment at HTAi

Case Study: Design Thinking and Ad-hoc visual tools at Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) Global Policy Forum Main Meeting In January, we had the opportunity to organize a co-creation workshop with Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) for their Global Policy Forum in Barcelona. HTAi is a renowned, international non-profit society comprised of professors, scientists, and stakeholders. These members assess health…

Una mirada al 2017: Un año de Creatividad e Innovación

Nos enorgullecemos de los logros en dar dinamismo a la Creatividad e Innovación durante el 2017 y de todos los aprendizajes obtenidos! Junto a personas maravillosa y equipos de trabajo inspiradores, hemos colaborado a a través de nuestros tres ejes de actuación: 1. Innovisual 2. InnoThink 3. Innodesign En todos los hemos aportado herramientas visuales, que han servido de palanca para…